Now and coming up
Here’s a list of the productions that can be seen now or soon, and what I’m recently working on.

The Rutger Hauer doc Like Tears in Rain has been released on the Dutch Film Festival (NFF) and on Dutch TV. Raving reviews all over the place, the film is to be seen here and will possibly travel to foreign festivals.
The animation feature Victor Vleermuis (Benjamin Bat) will be released this week in Dutch cinema’s, after opening the world’s largest children’s film festival Cinekid in Amterdam.
The series Toeslagenaffaire will be on Dutch television from november 21.
The tv registration of the comedy show N00b speelt N00b will be shown on November 10. on Dutch television.
I’ve started working on season 2 of the hospital series Day&Night. The series is scheduled to be released spring ’25.
I’ll be editing the Plus Christmas commercial in the next period.